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Graduate School of Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich

Prof. Dr. Peter Hamm

Peter Hamm was born 6.4.1966 in Munich, where he also visited elementary and high school.
He studied physics at the Technical University of Munich, where he received his Diploma degree in 1991.
He carried out his PhD studies under Prof. Dr. W. Zinth at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich between 1991 and 1995.
After a short stay as post-doctoral fellow at the same place, he moved to the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Prof. R. M. Hochstrasser) with a research fellow ship granted by the 'Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft' (1996-1998).
In 1999, he was appointed as an independent group leader at the Max Born Institute, Berlin. In 2001, he moved to University of Zürich as Associate Professor at the Physical Chemistry Institute, and was promoted to Full Professor in 2007.

Full CV (PDF, 119 KB)

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