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Graduate School of Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich

Travel Award 2024

The CMSZH Travel Award includes a contribution of up to CHF 2000 towards the cost of active participation at an international conference in the fields of Chemical and Molecular Sciences.

Travel Award Sponsors:

  • Merck
  • Bruker


In 2024, the only prerequisite for participation is the acceptance of at least one peer-reviewed paper with first authorship. Out of this pool of participants, the prizes will be picked by lottery.


  1. PhD member of CMSZH (Deadline Defense 15.2.2024 or later)
  2. Publication (i. e. acceptance) of one or more first author or shared first-authorship peer-reviewed papers in the period between 1.1.2023 and 31.12.2023.
  3. Deadline of application: 15.2.2024 at 2 pm.


  1. Send a short mail with the subject: “Application CMSZH Travel Award” with attached peer-reviewed paper to Irène Studer-Rohr

Awarding of Grants:

  1. Lottery at 25.2.2024 in presence of at least two members of the board and a PhD representative.


  1. Allocation of a budget of up to CHF 2000 to the winner for participation at national and international conferences in the period 1.3.2024 to 1.4.2025.

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2022 SCNAT / SCS Chemistry Travel Award

The Platform Chemistry of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) announce the 2023 "Chemisty Travel Award".

The board of the Swiss Chemical Society offers in 2023:

Contribution of CHF 1000 towards the cost of an active participation at an international conference.

Applications are open and possible until March 31st 2023.

All the information and application forms are available on the website.