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Graduate School of Chemical and Molecular Sciences Zurich

Information about the "Pflichtenheft"

As part of the Doctoral Agreement the signed “Individual outline of rights and responsibilities” (Pflichtenheft) has to be uploaded to the StudentAdmin:

  • PhD candidates employed at the DoC receive the prepared form from the HR department of the Institute (don’t use the one in the StudentAdmin) and have to follow the procedure given at the end of the form!
  • PhD candidates employed outside of the DoC arrange for the “Individual outline of rights and responsibilities” with their employer and/or supervisor:
    • In case of employment at UZH (but outside DoC) use the form in the StudentAdmin.
    • In case of employment outside of the UZH a job description provided by the employer can be used if it details the percentage of the workloads dedicated to research, teaching, and other tasks.

In case of questions the corresponding HR department has to be contacted!